Polysyllabic Live – The Aftermath

Polysyllabic LiVE @ The Crow Club: The thoughts, the words, the thanks

Dearest friends and supporters,
Words are usually poor when it comes to describe a situation and in our case…
Well, they are almost shabby. We simply hope last Saturday night was as good for you all as it was for us in the band. We feel we owe you the world for dropping by, for staying with us, for listening and showing you’ve had a good time. We will keep that amazingly good spirit and generally blissed climate and we promise to do even better and bigger things next time. Our most sincere and heartfelt thanks and shout outs go to Galliard Syndrome, for making that night be so dynamic since minute one, Voice Box, who achieved boosting our songs, the ones they participated, sky high with their angel-like voices, The Crow Club, which is always beside us and with us, supporting every step we make, becoming a warm home for us and Andreas Giannopoulos, the sound extraordinaire, who managed to complete the toughest task with flying colors by coordinating all those people on stage. Our most “Polysyllabic” thanks go to you as well, for embracing us the way you did. We saw many familiar faces last night, yet we also saw many new ones, we saw the promise in your eyes, the promise for our next gigs.

Bless you all, Shine On!