Overseeing The Operation

Words remain poor… descriptions and references will be made, however, feelings can not be expressed via keyboard buttons pressing and constant clicking… Feelings can only be expressed with emotions. The Ivories are simply thrilled. The band got to open for one of the greatest Metal-and-more icons of all time. Who would have thought that the boys would share the same stage with the one and only Geoff Tate one day? This is more than certain minds can withstand…
Naturally, in case like this, a list of thank-you’s is necessary. ILLUSORY are grateful to the people who created, assisted and made things happen during this last week. Huge thanks and shout outs go to Fairplay and Alex Politis, Dimitris Papandreou & the rest of the wonderful bunch, for trusting the boys to be part of this amazing event. Huge thanks also go to the fabulous ILLUSORY tech crew, Lefteris Kontos and Andreas Adamis, for taking care of almost everything as well as Andreas Giannopoulos for the sound arrangements on stage. Far and foremost, the band would like to thank all those who attended the show. The boys hope they fulfilled every “obligation” there is to fulfill in order to be an ideal warm up act. There’s more to come and it’s going to be all good and all Metal.
Thank you once again, Shine On!