ILLUSORY Going Acoustic… In Salonica / Pt. II: Meet the guests!
Just a few hours before invading the Eightball stage for Wreck Macedonia Fest, the boys will be playing a full-of-surprises acoustic show at the Pirates Rock Bar in our beautiful Thessaloniki. Wot? You thought it was all about a “simple” appearance? No, sir, nay! Got to contact some very special friends and they all gonna be part of this nite to remember. Check out the names and get ready to join us.
– Mary Tirou (AcoustiCover) – Markos Valavanis (Solo Artist / Everflow) – Kostas Tokas (Power Crue / Reload) – Giannis Papadimitriou (Dark Nightmare)
We will be thrilled to have you with us. Come in, the Pirates water is fine.
Shine On!