ILLUSORY Going Acoustic… In Salonica / Pt. II: Meet the guests!

Just a few hours before invading the Eightball stage for Wreck Macedonia Fest, the boys will be playing a full-of-surprises acoustic show at the Pirates Rock Bar in our beautiful Thessaloniki. Wot? You thought it was all about a “simple” appearance? No, sir, nay! Got to contact some very special friends and they all gonna be part of this nite to remember. Check out the names and get ready to join us.

Mary Tirou (AcoustiCover) – Markos Valavanis (Solo Artist / Everflow) – Kostas Tokas (Power Crue / Reload) – Giannis Papadimitriou (Dark Nightmare)

We will be thrilled to have you with us. Come in, the Pirates water is fine.
Shine On!